- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  6 de Agosto de 2014  •  1.100 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  131 Visitas

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1 Artificial Intelligence: Any program that simulates human intelligence such as the ability to hold a conversation

2 Application: A computer program that allows a user to use a computer with a specific purpose. The software applications are part of a computer, and are run on the operating system.

3 antivirus: Said of a program that detects the presence of virus and can neutralize them.

4 Banner: Banner ads are advertisements that usually appear when we are sailing without us call.

5 Browser : A program that allows the user to surf the web. The most popular ones are Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer and google chrome

6. BLOG: This is a website published on-line, developed by a person or persons, showing its contents sequenced by dates and categorized, and can support comments or opinions of any user.

7 Bluetooth: wireless system of limited scope, about 10 meters.

8 Compression: Action of using a pressing tool to reduce the size of one or more files and pack them into one.

9 CHAT: Internet allowing audio chat or video chat in real time with two or more geographically distant people

10 Cracker (Intruder): A "cracker" is a person who tries to access a computer system without authorization.


Transferring information from a computer on the Internet to your own computer. It is also often called "down" or "download".

12 FOLDER Area virtual disk in that store multiple files

13Encryption: The data processing in order to prevent anyone but the recipient can read them. There are many types of data encryption, which is the basis of network security.

14 e-mail: Inform. Tank in which email messages transmitted are stored.

15 e-government: Electronic transactions carried out with government institutions.

16 e-services: electronic services in general, such as online shopping or paying settlements of credit cards.

17 FORUM: Internet Service offered by allowing issue written opinions on topics of discussion.

18 Hacker (Pirate): A person with a deep knowledge of the inner workings of the computer systems of a computer or a computer network.

19 hotel development: The process of creating and maintaining web pages, usually to be part of a WWW available on the website

20 Hypertext: Document written in HTML which contains links to other documents that may be in turn hypertext documents. Hypertext documents are normally accessed through WWW browsers

21 Hosting: Web hosting is the service that provides Internet users a system to store information, images, video, or any content accessible via the Web.

22 Information Security: Computer security is a discipline that relates to various techniques, applications and devices responsible for ensuring the integrity and privacy of information in a computer system and its users.

23 INTERNET: A network of computers connected together to share information through the telephone lines. It offers many services such as World Wide Web (www), file transfer, real-time chats or chats, forums, email, etc ...

24 IP: The IP address or IP address is a numeric code consisting of four groups of three numbers separated by periods, that identifies each computer connected to the Internet network, using the protocol (communication code) numbers TCP / IP

25 Java is a programming language developed to produce applications that run over networks.

26 KILOBYTE: multiple storage unit byte. Abbreviated


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