- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Act organizacion ingles 2 etapa 1.

Enviado por   •  16 de Febrero de 2016  •  Ensayo  •  350 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  1.783 Visitas

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[pic 1] [pic 2]

[pic 3][pic 4][pic 5][pic 6]

Actividad de Organización y jerarquización.

Etapa 1

MSP. Israel Garza Castro.

Gema Detzani Sifuentes Barrón   1820039

Debani Aidee  Sauceda Orozco     1826722

Melina Guadalupe Ibarra González   1809048

Juan Manuel González Flores   1829588

Competencia genérica

4.-Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.


  • Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representación lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas.
  • Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que encuentra y los objetivos que persigue.

Competencia disciplinar.

10.-Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en un asegunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto cultural.


1. - Look at the following cartoon characters.

[pic 7]                  [pic 8]

2. - According to the illustrations of superman and Fred Flintstone, complete the following sentences using adjectives in parentheses.

  1. Fred Flintstone is (short) shorter than Superman.
  2. Superman is (good-looking) more good looking than Fred Flintstone.
  3. Superman is (handsome) more handsome than Fred Flintstone.
  4. Fred Flintstone is less (famous) famous than Superman.
  5. Superman is not as (nice) nice as Superman.
  6. Fred Flintstone is as (honest) honest as Superman.

3. - Think of two famous actors, actresses, singers, or sports people that you like and write their names.

4. - Contrast them using the comparative from of the adjectives and the forms, “as…”, “not as……as”, more, less.

5. - Ask your teacher to check your sentences and make any necessary corrections.

6. - Use your sentences and add images to make a poster comparing both characters.

[pic 9]

[pic 10]

  1. LOUIS TOMLINSON IS (Short) shorther  than  JUSTIN BIEBER.
  2. JUSTIN BIEBER is  (Good-looking) more  good looking than LOUIS TOMLINSON.
  3. JUSTIN BIEBER is (Handsome) more handsome than LOUIS TOMLINSON.
  4. JUSTIN BIEBER is less (famous) famous than LOUIS TOMLINSON.
  5. LOUIS TOMLINSON is not as (nice)  nice than JUSTIN BIEBER.
  6. LOUIS TOMLINSON is as(honest) honest as JUSTIN BIEBER

Criterios de desempeño.

  • Usar correctamente las formas gramaticales para hacer comparaciones
  • Creatividad, originalidad y limpieza


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