- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Actuacion En Ingles

Enviado por   •  23 de Agosto de 2012  •  357 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  639 Visitas

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VALUE: Responsability

I the Street...

Daughter Brigithe: you have to come with me to a party this Saturday .

DaughterJasmín: probably you want my mom to let you go to the party

Daughter Brigithe: you´re right

Daughter Jasmín: OK. I´ll help you

At home...

Mother : How was the school today?

Daughters Brigithe andJasmín:fine

Daughter Jasmín: Mom... could you let us go to a party this weekend?

Daughter Brigithe: It´s near home and we´ll come back home early.

Mother: early uh? Well , you can go but don´t forget you have to come back early. Now but finish your lunch and do your homework

Daughters Brigithe and Jasmín:OK. Mom...!

That weekend, at the party...

Friends Lesly and Mitzy: Hi! Brigithe

FriendMitzy: Ahhh... you came with your sister !!

Friend Lesly: Yea, Why?

Daughter Brigithe:I had no choice.

Later... Brigithe and her friends were dancing, while Jasmin (her sister) was sitting down and bored.

Friend Lesly:you´re sister is so boring!

Friend Mitzy:let her sitting there , if she comes here is going to embarrass us.

Friend Lesly: (Looking at ___ ) Why have you come dressed this way?

Daughter Jasmín:Well Ithink I´m leaving.

Friends Lesly and Mitzy: yes , you better go.

Daughter Brigithe:(she goes upstairs) she´s not in her bedroom!

Mother:What! Dindn´t you come together yesterday? Where´s your sister?

Daughter Brigithe:I don´t know mom. She didn´t want to come with me.

Mother:How could you let her come back alone!

Daughter Brigithe:Sorry, I didn´t want to...

Mother:Let´s call your friends, they should kmow about her.

Daughter Brigithe:I don´t think so. They hated her . But anyway I´l call them.

Mother:Oh, my God! Where could she be?

Suddenly, Jasmin enters...

Daughter Jasmín:Hi,mom! I´m very sorry to worry you!

Mother:Dear , where have youb been! How could you do this to me!

Daughter Jasmín:I stayed at Maria´s house. Last night her parents found me walking alone and took me with them to their house.

Daughter Brigithe: Hey little sister, I was so worried about you!

Mother:Why did you go out?

At that moment, lesly and mitzy knock at the door...

Friend Mitzy:What happened? Where´s Jasmin?

Friend Lesly:Is she fine?

Daughter Jasmín:I´m here girls, Ithought you didn´t care about me!

Friend Mitzy: That´s not true. We do care about you!

Friend Lesly:Pleasejudge you without knowing you well Excuse.

Friends Lesly and Mitzy:We´re really sorry!

Daughter Jasmín:forget it no problem


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