- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Bachiller En Ciencias Y Letras

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Publicado: ‎08-25-2008 09:38 AM

Companeños foristas la informacion de este tema la tome de otra persona que lo escribio dentro de otro tema del foro pero me parece muy importante que no se pierda este contenido y por eso me tome el derecho de abrir un nuevo tema con esta informacion,estoy segura que sera de mucha ayuda para muchos de ustedes, Mucha suerte a todos

Document Checklist for Form N-400, Application for Naturalization

All Applicants for Naturalization must send the following items with their N-400 application:

A photocopy of both sides of your Permanent Resident Card (formerly known as the Alien Registration Card or "Green Card" . If you have lost the card, submit a photocopy of the receipt for your Form I-90, "Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card"; and

Two identical color photographs, with your name and "A-number" written lightly in pencil on the back of each photo. For details about the photo requirements, see Part 5 of A Guide to Naturalization and the Form M-603 instructions. Do not wear eyeglasses or earrings for the photo. If your religion requires you to wear a head covering, your facial features must still be exposed in the photo for purposes of identification; and

A check or money order for the application fee and the biometric services fee (Applicants 75 years of age or older are exempted from the biometrics services fee). Write your "A-number" on the back of the check or money order. The application fee is $595 and the biometrics services fee is $80. You may combine the fees into one check or money order. Make your check or money order payable to "U.S. Department of Homeland Security."

Send copies of the following documents, unless we ask for an original.If an attorney or accredited representative is acting on your behalf, send:

A completed original Form G-28, "Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Representative"

If your current legal name is different from the name on your Permanent Resident Card, send:

The document(s) that legally changed your name (marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court document).

If you are applying for naturalization based on your marriage to a U.S. citizen, send the following four items:

Evidence that your spouse has been a U.S. citizen for the last three years:

Birth certificate (if your spouse never lost citizenship since birth), or

Naturalization Certificate, or

Certificate of Citizenship, or

The in


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