- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  5 de Mayo de 2015  •  201 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  157 Visitas


Was established in 1879 that is celebrated each year as it was the day when the celebrations international festivals and parades ago. Thisdayalsotheday of themovewherethesepeoplemoveorshiftfromone place toanotheriscelebratedtake 148 years in Canada, celebratehislegacy, hispride and possibilitiessayitis a societythatselebratheirachievementsitsexcellence and have a greatrespectforits in habitants.

In manytowns and cities, municipal governmentsorganize a range of events, oftenoutdoors. Theseincludepancakebreakfasts, parades, concerts, carnivals, festivals, fireworkdisplays and citizenshipceremoniesfor new Canadian citizens. Thecelebrationsoftenhave a patrioticmood. Canada'snationalflagiswidelydisplayed and a lot of peoplepainttheir faces red and white, which are Canada'snationalcolors. Thecelebrations in Ottawa, whichisCanada’s capital city, are particularlyexuberant.

Ottawa organized a spectacular event in the gardens and around Parliament House, with activities throughout the day. You will see air shows, concerts, real musical ride Canadian Mounted Police, food stalls, people excited and more. It is a day to remember forever, so make your reservations early if you're traveling.

These are some of the foods they eat when they celebrate this day:

*Hot dogs and hamburgers

*Fries with gravy and cheese or beans is preparing a new dessert as it is based poutine berries

*Toast bread dough with cinnamon and chile (as in Beavertails)

*Lobster rolls and fried clams


*Cake or cupcakes with Canadian flag

*Biscuits similar to those of Beavertails

*Anything that leads maple syrup, from chewy candies to pancakes.


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