Enviado por Domi Serra • 6 de Octubre de 2015 • Apuntes • 329 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 136 Visitas
Domingo Serra
Communication 110
Communication Field Trip: The World of Communication
Yesterday I went to the YU, I sat on one of the sofas with a Chinese friend called Jason, who already knew last year, after 5 minutes came a group of his friends and began to speak in Chinese. Of course I did not understand anything but I could see how they communicate.
They were a group of six people, four boys and two girls, the boys talked among themselves without much regard for the girls, who were silent. They boys use their hands a lot when they explain something, like they are trying to support their words. However, the girls, when they have the opportunity to say something, do not move their body to talk. Also, both of them talk quickly but quiet, they do not usually scream while they are talking.
In their communication there are the leaders, who are two of the boys and the followers, who are the other two boys and the girls. Those two guys are always talking, and the others participate in their dialogue. I also had noise coming from other people walking by. Because I did not understand what they were saying I was focusing in the nonverbal relationship between them. As I said before guys use their hands to support their speaking, but they do not have so many facial expressions, so it is difficult to understand how they feeling while they are speaking. I did not observe cultural differences in in their group, but I did comparing them with the other people of the YU.
After doing this exercise, I saw that people from different cultures communicate different than other people because they learned to communicate like this since they were born. About my culture I understood that we should talk more quietly, because we use to talk too loud and quickly. The Spanish culture use a lot of facial expressions, so this might be the biggest difference between the Chinese and my culture.