- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Converstion doctor

Enviado por   •  28 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Apuntes  •  346 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  107 Visitas

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ARTURO   what am I doing here? What’s this place?

Doctor      not worry I am Dr. David and you are in the hospital

ARTURO   who I am, what do I do here?

Doctor         Well first what is your name and how are you feeling?    

Arturo   To be honest I don’t know my name, and my head hurts a lot.

Doctor         first let’s verify your identity, you have your wallet?  Find your id?

Arturo        Yes, here is my wallet here you have

Doctor        I'm going to verify your id

Doctor yes, here is, your name is Arturo as you can see you are a student.        

Arturo Now doctor, what has happened to me?

Doctor Let's gets back in your brain. Try to remember what happened?

Arturo   well the only thing that I remember that I was in the school, and I saw her because she was so pretty and beautiful.

Arturo     yes, as I recall, the girl was interested for me, then I hear someone was calling my name and then …

Doctor   what happen then? You are having a progress you are remember all continue.

Arturo maybe, if you hit my head, I would feel better and so remember what else happened

Doctor what should I do? Ok im going to hit you are you ready (hit Arturo)

 Arturo Doctor, I remember all  I approached to the girl  and try to steal a kiss and I did

 Arturo then she hit me and that's how I ended up here.

Doctor jaja Well I saw you better sI'm going to prescribe you some medicine, for the hurt.

Doctor and whit this experience what did you learn?

Arturo mmm that it’s so bad to try to steal a kiss a girl that have something that can hurt you


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