Convertidor Binario Hexadecimal
Enviado por guadates • 14 de Febrero de 2015 • 212 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 231 Visitas
library IEEE;
-- Outputs assignment
-- y(6) <- a, y(5) <- b, y(4) <- c, y(3) <- d
-- y(2) <- e, y(1) <- f, y(0) <- g
entity decbcd7seg is
Port ( x : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
y : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0);
ena: out STD_LOGIC);
-- Define CLPD pinouts
attribute LOC : string;
attribute LOC of x : signal is "P124,P39,P94,P143"; -- SW1,SW0, BTN1, BTN0
attribute LOC of y : signal is "P56,P53,P60,P58,P57,P54,P61";
attribute LOC of ena: signal is "P126";
end decbcd7seg;
architecture Behavioral of decbcd7seg is
-- Using flow data modeling through WHEN-ELSE
-- The statements are not sequentially performed instead they
-- are concurrently performed.
y <= "0000001" when x="0000" else -- 0
"1001111" when x="0001" else -- 1
"0010010" when x="0010" else -- 2
"0000110" when x="0011" else -- 3
"1001100" when x="0100" else -- 4
"0100100" when x="0101" else -- 5
"0100000" when x="0110" else -- 6
"0001111" when x="0111" else -- 7
"0000000" when x="1000" else -- 8
"0000100" when x="1001" else -- 9
"0001000" when x="1001" else -- a
"1100000" when x="1010" else -- b
"0110001" when x="1011" else -- c
"1000001" when x="1100" else -- d
"0110000" when x="1101" else -- e
"0111000" when x="1111" else -- f
"0110000"; -- E en otro caso (Error)
ena <= '0'; -- Enable display
end Behavioral;