- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Death Note

Enviado por   •  6 de Noviembre de 2014  •  451 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  223 Visitas

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1. Death Notices (The manga began to be published in December, 2003 and I end in May, 2006 and encourage it had his first emission on October 3, 2006 and was June 26, 2007). It is a series of sleeve of kind: Drama, Mystery, Police, Psychological, Shounen, Supernatural, written for Tsugumi Oba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata, and whose adjustment to encourages was directed by Tetsuro Araki. The history centres on Light Yagami, a student of preparatory that finds a notebook called "Death Note", which has the aptitude to kill any person in spite of just writing his name in him and if the carrier visualizes mentally the face of the one who wants to murde

2. Normally the names of the persons who are written in the notebook die of a heart attack after forty second, until there is specified the reason of his death. The shinigamis are the original carriers of the Death Note and thanks to his eyes they can kill the persons with facility, since they allow them to see the royal name and the time that they still have of life. The shinigamis, on having been spiritual gods, cannot be seen by the normal persons unless they have touched his Death Note. When Ryuk threw his Death Note to the Earth, he wrote the instructions on his use in English, since it is a universal language; for what Light Yagami learns it to use to the instant of having found it, but in the course of the series it is appearing other rules.

3. Takeshi Obata was born on February 11, 1969 in Niigata's province, Japan. It is a mangaka recognized by his drawings, in which always it shows great interest in the designs of the clothes of his prominent figures, beside having a style with great quantity of details. One of his big works is Death Note, a tremendously popular manga that had his adjustment of encourage and of movie of royal image.

Tsugumi Ohba is a writer of sleeve, of whom it is known very little, and there is suspected that "Tsugumi Ohba" is alone a pseudonym. Some works under the above mentioned name include the series of the manga death note and bakuman (works that it did together with Takeshi Obata).

It is believed also that the personage of death should notice "L" is based on Ohba's personality itself, specially for the use of an alias, not to have be seen publicly, and for any information that this one has given and that have been seen in the personage, since it it is to be a lover of the snacks, to think day and night on things and to sit down in the same way as the personage does it


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