- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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The founding of Guayaquil was a process of Spanish conquest in the current coastal region of Ecuador, which, after several transfers and conflicts with native people, was finally founded the city under the title of "Santiago de Guayaquil" definitely on the hill Santa Ana in 1547 is the most populous city of the Republic of Ecuador. The urban area of Guayaquil is ranked among the largest cities of the world is also an important center of trade with regional influence in commercial, financial, cultural, and entertainment. The city is the namesake canton cantonal and the capital of Guayas Province and is located on the Pacific coast of Ecuador Litoral Region city with the highest density of population in Ecuador, with an estimated population of 2 366902 that occupy approximately 344.5 km ². Guayaquil metropolitan area consists of 316.42 km ², representing 91.9% of the land area of the city (ground), the latter an area of 28.08 km ², equivalent to 8.1% of water bodies includes rivers and estuaries.

Guayaquil stands out among the Ecuadorian cities for its high use of mass transit, and overall density and diversity of its population. Like Ecuador in general, most of the population has as their native language Castilian. Furthermore, its position mall, has been named the city as "The economic capital of Ecuador" for several years, this is due to the number of companies, factories, and shops that exist throughout the city. Another common nickname among the population is "The Pearl of the Pacific". It is estimated that 85% of Ecuadorians are Catholic. The climate of Guayaquil is the result of the combination of several factors for its location on the equator, the city has a warm temperature during most of the year. However, its proximity to the Pacific Ocean makes the Humboldt current (cold) and El Niño (warm) mark two distinct climatic periods. One rainy and humid, with typical heat of the tropics, which runs December to April (winter known as corresponding to austral summer), and the other dry and a bit cooler (known as summer corresponding to austral winter), which is from May to December. The average temperature ranges between 20 and 27 º C, a tropical climate mild considering the latitude at which the city is located.

In Sport in the city of Guayaquil as Ecuadorian nationwide, the most popular sport is football. The city was founded the first football club called Club Sport Guayaquil. The city is home to the two most popular teams in the country: Barcelona Sporting Club and the Club Sport Emelec, the teams involved in the Ecuadorian Football First Category. By coincidence, these two teams were born in the neighborhood of the Shipyard, therefore, when faced more attractive offer championship game known as Classic Astillero.

In Guayaquil you can find typical restaurants, international and specialized in different places in the city. The main sectors of international restaurants are Urdesa Alborada and the center of the city.

Among the desserts, is the typical fruit salad, orange juice, to which is added chunks of pineapple, melon, watermelon, bananas, grapes and many other tropical fruits to the diner's taste. Among the typical drinks is the Quaker


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