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Eco- Trends And Green Consumerism

Enviado por   •  5 de Mayo de 2013  •  216 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  331 Visitas

Eco- trends and Green Consumerism

As earth-friendly products become more popular and living green is rendered a fashionable choice by celebrities, the real issue of environmental awareness behind the current green movement is being lost in an explosion of green consumerism.

Environmentalists have been preaching about the climate change for many years without getting much attention from the masses. But after the success in 2006 of “An Inconvenient Truth”, the documentary featuring Al Gore, environmentalism became high-profile and started a new era of “green chic”

high-style green consumer items and articles

Some critics blame the news media and marketers for turning environmentalism into fashion and distracting the attention from serious issues.

One of the issues is that consumers are embracing living green by buying lots of so-called earth-friendly products, and not by really developing a true understanding of the environmental impact of our life choices. Ecology activists have questioned the notion that by buying anything, green or not, is going to contribute to solve the problem, because these patterns of constant consumption are a significant part of the problem in the first place.

Shopping decisions and the development of eco-friendly products represents a good first step, but education and the development of environmental awareness in our countries´ political and productive system are needed to achieve a real change in the world.


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