- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

El análisis de la moda

Enviado por   •  9 de Abril de 2013  •  Ensayo  •  476 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  278 Visitas

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Fashion, a word that by his own leads us to think only in clothing, tall and extremely thin models or an internationally recognized designers, but if I told you that fashion is much more than that, that fashion is present in all aspects of daily life, from what we eat, use and believe.

To begin to analyze fashion, we must first know what the word means fashion.

FASHION: indicates a choice or a regulatory mechanism of elections, held on the basis of subjective criteria associated with the collective taste.

What that tells us is that fashion refers to all those repetitive trends either clothing, accessories, lifestyles and ways of behaving, you may even get to check or change the behavior of a person. For most authors the fashion emerges from prehistory, a clear example is the painting the walls of the caves where they were staying, and then women began to decorate their bodies probably followed later by men or maybe they just imitated the animals that are smeared with mud to ward off insects.

IMITATE: adopt certain characteristics of a thing trying to match it.

The main foundation of fashion is to imitate a person or thing, in order to resemble as closely as possible to the desired model.

TREND: the trend is an inclination or propensity towards certain ends.

In fashion, a trend is a kind of social mechanism that regulates the election of the people, a trend is a style or custom that marks a time or place. It can impose a trend in two ways, directly or indirectly, the direct way is when you force someone to follow your actions and indirectly is when other people follow you on their own, a clear example of this is the burnt offering, yes the holocaust, basically was led by a man who through his high rank in power, achievement that an entire nation followed his beliefs, thereby creating a tendency toward hatred of Jews.

Fashion is issued when you start to imitate someone else, either in the way they dress, think, act or believe, but what about those who claim to be in total disagreement with fashion, using the individuality as an excuse?, well to not follow any trend, you are unconsciously following the footsteps of another person who decided before anyone, unless part of the protocol of fashion, so if you are following a trend, but that does not mean that there is no individuality, individuality is what lets us know what fashion following, and how far we can follow this fashion, and thus be unique in a way no one else can do.

In short, fashion is the main weapon of consumerism and is something that is dictated mainly by the media, they tell you to eat, what to wear and even how you must be, but individuality is something that you can´t be remove by any fashion .


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