- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

En el restaurante(inglés)

Enviado por   •  17 de Octubre de 2015  •  Tarea  •  308 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  434 Visitas

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Waiter: Hello, welcome to the restaurant "The crocantito". My name is Steven and I will be serving you today!

Breysi: Hi Steven. A table for three please.

Waiter: Excellent gentlemen, will bring to your table.

Él los llevará a la mesa

Anabel: Hello Steven, may I have the menu please?

Waiter: Immediately!

Kelvin: Excuse me. Is a drink included?

Waiter: Yes. Let me give a couple of minutes to decide ...

Waiter: Hello again, would you like something to drink?

Kelvin: I’d like an apple juice please.

Anabel: For me, a orange juice please.

Breysi: For me, only wáter please.

Waiter: Sure, no trouble. Are you ready to order your food?

Kelvin: Yes I am. I would like to have the turkey sandwich and a tomato soup.

Waiter: Would you like your sandwich with mozzarella or cheese?

Kelvin: Mozzarella please. Ah! And no pickles. I am allergic to pickles!

Waiter: OK, sir. And for you?

Breysi: A starter I’ll have tomato soup, and main course steak and chips. 

Waiter: Ok, good…(dirijiendose a Anabel) Can I take your order?

Anabel: A starter I’ll have chicken sandwich, and main pasta salad.

Waiter: OK, ready. Your order will be ready in 5 minutes.

(Cada uno coje su cel y se pone a jugar o nose la cosa es que durante 5 minutos estén entretenidos por si solos para evitar màs conversa)

Waiter: Your order

Breysi, Anabel y Kelvin: Thank you.

(5 minutos después)

Waiter: Everything, ok?

Kelvin: Yes, delicious, thank.

Breysi: Yeah! very delicious, really Anabel?

Anabel: I like this pasta salad!

Waiter.: Oh! that is very good. Would you like dessert?

Kelvin: No, thank you.

Breysi: Can I have the bill please?

Waiter: Certainly…one moment.

Anabel: Can I pay by credit card?

Waiter: Not, so sorry. Excuse the bother.

Anabel: Don’t worry. Is service included?

Waiter: Not is included.

Anabel: Ok.
(Dejan el dinero en la mesa con la propina y se retiran)

Kelvin(en nombre de los tres y retirándose del restaurant): Good bye Steven, thank you very much for the service.

Waiter: Bye gentlemen, back soon.


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