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INGLES PARA MAT./FIS.                                          SEGUNDA PRUEBA PARCIAL

STUDENT’S NAME: Maya Taborga Contreras……………..


award =  premio

achievements =  logros

became =  llegó a ser, se transformó

bestseller =  la cosa (generalmente un libro) más vendido o leído

brief =  breve

colleage =  colega

develop =  desarrollar

device =  dispositivo

draw (part. pasado drawn) = extraer, sacar

framework  =  armazón, marco, estructura

has won =  ha ganado

layman =  persona lega, persona sin conocimientos específicos sobre una materia

minds =  mentes

submit =  presenter, someter a consideración de

widely =  ampliamente



                  Stephen Hawking is widely recognized as one of the best minds in physics today and has won

          many titles for his achievements, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian

          award in the United States.  Of his many notable theories, Hawking is most famous for developing the

          theory that black holes emit radiation  (known as Hawking radiation) and his work on gravitational

  5      singularity theorems in developing the framework for general relativity.  Hawking also wrote the

          book explaining many important concepts of cosmology in layman’s terms, called A Brief History of

          Time, that became an international and NewYork Times bestseller.  He was the subject of the 2014 film

          The Theory of Everything.

CONTEXTUAL REFERENCE.  What does the underlined word (or phrase) refer to?      (10 points)

1.     ….. for his achievements, …..  (line 2)                      Stephen Hawking’s achievements…….

2.     Of his many notable theories, …..  (line 3)                the theories of Stephen Hawking………………

3.     …..and his work on gravitational …..  (line 4)        Stephen Hawking’s work on gravitational singularity

4.     …., that became an international …..  (line 7)           the book A Brief History of Time

STUDENT’S NAME:  ………………………………………….

5.     He was the subject of the …..  (line 7)           Stephen Hawking                    


THE STRUCTURE OF THE NOUN PHRASE.   In the reading about Stephen Hawking, identify

five (5) Noun Phrase similar to the ones learned in Study Guide N° 6.                                (10 points)

1.   one of the best minds in physics……………………………………………..

2.   many titles for his achievements

3.   the highest civilian award in the United States

4.    many notable theories………………………………………………………………

5.    many important concepts of cosmology…………………………………………………………………

THE STRUCTURE OF THE VERB PHRASE, ACTIVE VOICE.  Decida si el verbo entre parenthesis debe incluir “do” o “does”.  Escriba la oración completa.                                                          (8 points)


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