- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Essay To Apply To University

Enviado por   •  6 de Julio de 2014  •  442 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  360 Visitas

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Society has evolved at the same time as the development of technology, for instance the creation of the internet; this amazing discovery allowed millions of people access information that in the past was not even possible. It transformed our way of thinking enormously, in which either positive and negative things appeared.

In a positive matter, the appearance of the internet opened the doors to an endlessly quantity of possibilities: communications, access to information, and the creation of new technological tools, evolving into the begging of a new concept called "vital communication"

This concept allowed society to communicate with an electronic device rather than in person, enabling us the possibility to talk to whoever we want, wherever we are. The freely use of these technological tools such as mobiles phones, computers and computer software give us even the opportunity to work virtually, not necessary needing to be on-site but instead, being at the commodity of our homes.

Given these tools and the creation of even more, such is the case of the now called "social networks" is easy to think that society will become more dependent and we are going to fall in a virtual world where human interaction will be impossible, but I think it opens our mind to a new paradigm and the better we use these new inventions the better. Society is becoming more connected, approachable instead of lonely, technology is giving us the chance to be in contact with people far away, or that by instance are impossible to talk physically.

In a negative way as mentioned before, since the virtual concept appeared and the exploitation of the internet in a daily basis, a lot of people became more and more dependent in such tools, for instance children became more dependable in video games, easily falling in a world that do not even exist, thinking that is easier to interact to a machine rather than an other human. At the same time, people spend more time in front of a computer rather than interacting with other persons, becoming fearful or apprehensive of what other people may think, afraid to participate in real life.

But as I stated before I would conclude that the use of technology and the progress of it gave us a wonderful opportunity to communicate around the globe, making it easier and comfortable, making us instead of lonely, sociable, giving us the necessary tools to communicate easier with each other, breaking boundaries (e.g. the necessity to be physically in some place ) and embracing new possibilities for the future. I can be excited to see and experience new ways of communication technology would bring.


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