- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Etapa 3 De Ingles 3 Semestre

Enviado por   •  15 de Diciembre de 2013  •  471 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  11.849 Visitas

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Actividad diagnostic

My brother and I go to the mountains every year.We went skiing to Switzerland last fall. It was September 30th.We were resting at the cabin when it happened. We were having a cup of hot chocolate when we heard a strange noise. The noise was getting louder when we felt the cabin moved a little. Suddenly. l realized what was happening! I told my brother that it was an avalanche. We didn’t move a muscle even though we heard a lot of noise .A few minutes later, everything was very quiet.The silence lasted 5 minutes. We know once aba valance stops, the snow settles very quickly.So we waited for half an hour until we stepped out of the cabin to see how bad the damage was. Some people were crying for help while others were trying to rescue them. We felt very lucky because nothing happened to us,and we started to help people.

Simple past tense Past Progressive Tense










lasted were having

Were resting

Was getting

Were crying

Were trying

Actividaad de adquisicion del conocimiento

1-.Individually, read and match both columns

1. Edith was kissing her boyfriend when…..

2. Belen and Luis were copying the homework when

3. Giselth was giving the class when..

4. Eddy was watching a horror movie on TV when

5. Gaby was talking about lupita when (4)The lights went of!

(1)her father entered to the house and told her off

(5)she arrived and said “What were you saying about me? I heard you!

(2)the teacher entered the classroom!

(3)her cellphone rang and everybody started to laugh

Actividad de aplicacion

It his activity, you will use the simple past and past progressive tense to explain a past action

1-.look at the pictures and complete the sentences with th verbs in the simpe past or past progressive below

were grettin was cooking was joggin were playing

slipped was shining was walking

a) Mrs. Jones was cooking a soup for the kids, while they were playing with their toys.

b) Tom was jogging when I saw him at the park

c) Hugh was walking down the street when he slipped on a banana peel and fell

d) It was a beautiful Saturday morning.

The sun was shining as the Thompsons were getting ready for their trip

Actividad de metacognition

Answer the following questions about the previous text.

1) What happened? A meteor entered the earth’s atmosphere

2) Where did the meteor streak? In Russia’s Ural mountains


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