- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  13 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Apuntes  •  279 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  104 Visitas

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Evaluation Information:

Professional Ability:

Job Knowledge: Knowledgeable in all aspects of the position and possesses the essential skills to complete tasks. Is aware of changes and trends in knowledge related to the position. Expands knowledge of the position and company products/services.

Timekeeping: Always arrives at work on time and ready to undertake the job that has been scheduled.

Sales: Has a goal to obtain the highest sales to the best of their ability. The employee always uses the sales methods that have been taught to them in training and encourages others to do the same.

Sense of Urgency: The employee thinks of the entire restaurants needs at all times. They are also humble enough to ask for help to better serve everyone’s needs.

Serving Techniques: Accurately describes specials to every table. Basic steps of service are followed at all times, and has the ability to forgo more tables to insure the best service to the guest.

Human Relations Skills:

Table Manners: Employee is always polite and attentive to guests needs. Knowledgeable in the menu and is able to answer all questions or be able to direct all questions to the appropriate employee for the best response.  

Teamwork: Always has the best interest of the team in mind, and is never interested in personal gain alone. Takes initiative to help others without being prompted by management.

Leadership: Ability to be role model for other employees. Is able to properly answer questions to other members of the staff. Sets a positive example of what it means to be a Zola employee.

Judgment: Ability to make and accept responsibility for reasonable and correct decisions based on professional expertise with little negative impact on relationships with employees and company goals.



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