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Examenes ingles

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Colegio Centro Estudiantil Fénix

Primero Básico

English Course / Miss Blanca Monteagudo

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________

Fourth Unit Exam

[pic 1]Part I Instructions: Complete the following menu. (1 point each 10 points)

Part II Instructions (1 point each 10 points): Who says it, the waiter or the customer? Write the words and expressions in the following table.

  1. I’d like
  2. Oh! And an….. please!
  3. Are you ready to order?
  4. Good Morning, What would you like to eat?
  5. I’ll be back.
  6. I’ll have…
  7. I would like to eat……
  8. Anything else?
  9. No tomato in my burger please.!
  10. Certainly



Part III (2  point each 20 points) Instructions: Complete the following dialogues with the words in the Word Bank.[pic 2]

Dialogue 1

  • Server: Are you ready to ___________ ?
  • Customer: Yes, I _____ . Please bring _0. me____ a sandwich.
  • Server: ____________ you like a salad?
  • Customer: No, thank _________ .
  • Server: Anything to _______________ ?
  • Customer: ________ . Please ________ me a glass of milk.
  • Server: Yes, of course.

Dialogue 2

  • Server: Are you ready to order?
  • YOU: Yes, I _____. Please bring me_______________ .
  • Server: Anything to drink?
  • YOU Yes. Please bring me ______________________ .
  • Server: Yes, of course.

Part IV Instructions (1 point each 20 points) Instructions: Fill the blanks with CAN, CAN NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, MAY, MAY NOT, MUST, MUST NOT as appropriate.

  1. __________ you please tell me the direction to the hotel?
  2. You __________ pay in cash. They do not accept credit cards.
  3. I __________ come home from the office today.
  4. __________ I help you?
  5. You __________ clean your room.
  6. We ________ keep running.
  7. We __________ study for the test.
  8. __________ you have a wonderful day!
  9. I __________ go to see the movie. On Wednesday.
  10. I __________ be at the airport to receive you.
  11. She __________ take the breakfast regularly.
  12. You __________ go home after eleven!
  13. __________ we go for a walk?

  1. The soldiers in the Army __________ wear a uniform.
  2. There is one more medicine I __________ take.
  3. You have worked hard. You __________ pass.
  4. It is very beautiful. It __________ win.
  5. You __________ be properly dressed when you work.
  6. __________ you like to come to the party tomorrow?
  7. People __________ not tell lies.

Colegio Centro Estudiantil Fénix

Segundo Básico  / English Course / Miss Blanca Monteagudo

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________

Fourth Unit Exam

Part I Instructions: Match the word with the picture. (2 points each 20 points)

[pic 3]

  1. arm __F___
  2. back _____
  3. ear ______
  4. eye ______
  5. finger ______
  6. foot ______
  7. hand ______
  8. head ______
  9. leg ______
  10. mouth ______
  11. shoulders ______

Part II Instructions: Singular and plural. Write the correct plural of the part of the body. (1 point each 5 points)

  1. one leg, two ____0. legs____________
  2. one eye, two _____________________
  3. one shoulder, two _____________________
  4. one arm, two _____________________
  5. one finger, two _____________________
  6. one foot* , two _____________________

Part III Instructions: Translate the following SUMMER CAMP ACTIVITIES. (1 point each 10 points)

  1. Swimming: ____________________
  2. Ride Bikes: ____________________
  3. Movie Night: ___________________
  4. Make cookies: __________________
  5. Mini golf: ____________________
  6. Eat Ice Cream: __________________
  7. Zoo: ____________________
  8. Pic Nic: ____________________
  9. Hiking: ____________________
  10. Mountain Biking: ____________________

Part IV Instructions: Complete the sentences using (BE+GOING TO) the verbs are in the sentences and the verb to be is according to each pronoun (is, am or are) . (1 point each 20 points)

  1. My sister __is going to_______ go to a restaurant.
  2. I __________________________ design a website.
  3. My brothers __________________________  play football.
  4. I ___________________________  watch a video.
  5. You __________________________ meet my parents.
  6. Tomorrow afternoon I ______________________________ surf the internet.
  7. Jack´s mum _______________________________ make pizza.
  8. I _____________________________ (not) listen to music today.
  9. Toby and Ben ___________________________ watch TV.
  10. Isabel and I ___________________________ eat hamburgers for lunch.
  11. ____________ Bart´s brother ____________ the park?
  12. I ____________________________________ university next year.
  13. My sister ____________________________________ get married next year.
  14. 4. My cousin ___________________________________ go to America next summer.
  15. The children ___________________________________ fly to England tomorrow.
  16. They ___________________________________ (not) meet in London.
  17. Lucas ___________________________________ phone the hotel soon.
  18. The boys ___________________________________ ride their bikes to school next week.
  19. Daniel _____________________________________ play tennis on Saturday.
  20. We ___________________________________ (not) visit the museum tomorrow.
  21. They _____________________________ eat a hamburger.

Part V Instructions: Draw a line to the correct part of the body. (1 Point each 5 points)

                                                                                                                                        0.     HAND[pic 4]


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