Gender identity and relative income within households
Enviado por candresg • 8 de Junio de 2013 • Informe • 200 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 360 Visitas
Gender identity and relative income within households
Marianne Bertrand, Emir Kamenica, and Jessica Pan
May 2013
We examine causes and consequences of relative income within households. We establish
that gender identity { in particular, an aversion to the wife earning more than the husband -
impacts marriage formation, the wife's labor force participation, the wife's income conditional
on working, marriage satisfaction, likelihood of divorce, and the division of home production.
The distribution of the share of household income earned by the wife exhibits a sharp cli at 0.5,
which suggests that a couple is less willing to match if her income exceeds his. Within marriage
markets, when a randomly chosen woman becomes more likely to earn more than a randomly
chosen man, marriage rates decline. Within couples, if the wife's potential income (based on her
demographics) is likely to exceed the husband's, the wife is less likely to be in the labor force
and earns less than her potential if she does work. Couples where the wife earns more than the
husband are less satised with their marriage and are more likely to divorce. Finally, based on
time use surveys, the gender gap in non-market work is larger if the wife earns more than the
Keywords: gender roles; gender gap; marriage market
JEL: D10; J12; J16