- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Gia English

Enviado por   •  29 de Noviembre de 2014  •  229 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  337 Visitas

1. You are in a clothing store and a beautiful dress catches your attention. You touch it and it is very soft. So you would ask:

A. Where is this dress making by?

B. Is this dress made of China?

C. Is this dress making by hand?

D. What is this dress made of?

2. John went to a shop by bike and the clerk told him:

A. Do not leave your window by the bike please.

B. Touch your bike leaving the windows please do.

C. Do not leave your bike by the window please.

D. Touch your window leaving the bikes please do.

3. Somebody is talking about an important event.

A. The wedding was held at St. Rose last millennium Church.

B. The last wedding of the millennium was held at St. Rose Church.

C. At St. Rose Church was held a wedding last millennium.

D. The Church of St. Rose was held a last millennium wedding.

4. Colombia is considered one of the most violent countries in the world.

A. It not is a simple task, because Colombia has not achieved peace.

B. Because it not is a simple task, Colombia have not achieved peace.

C. Colombia has not achieved peace, because it is not a simple task.

D. Because Colombia have not achieved peace, it is a simple task.


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