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Modeling, simulation and analysis of heavy oil hydroprocessing in fixed-bed
reactors employing liquid quench streams
Anton Alvarez a, Jorge Ancheyta a,b,*, Jose´ A.D. Mun˜oz a
a Instituto Mexicano del Petro´leo, Eje Central La´zaro Ca´rdenas 152, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Me´xico D.F. 07730, Mexico
b Escuela Superior de Ingenierı´a Quı´mica e Industrias Extractivas (ESIQIE-IPN), Unidad Profesional Adolfo Lo´pez Mateos, Unidad Zacatenco, Me´xico D.F. 07738, Mexico
1. Introduction
Nowadays, the technologies for upgrading heavy petroleum
fractions are of vital importance to the refining industry, as a result
of the growing market of high value petroleum products and
decreasing availability of light oils [1]. Among these technologies,
catalytic hydroprocessing has the capacity to increase the yield of
distillates and to reduce the level of impurities such as sulfur,
nitrogen, metals (Ni and V) and asphaltenes [2]. Commonly, heavy
oil hydroprocessing is carried out in fixed-bed reactors loaded with
CoMo/NiMo alumina supported catalysts for hydrotreating (HDT)
and hydroconversion [3].
The main drawback of heavy oil hydroprocessing in fixed-beds
is the rapid catalyst deactivation, due to the presence of metals and
asphaltenes (coke formation precursors) in the feed, drastically
reducing the cycle length [4]. However, recent advances in this
field have led to the development of graded catalyst systems that
extend significantly the length of run [5]. Typically, these systems
comprise a front-end hydrodemetallization (HDM) catalyst, a midsection
catalyst with balanced HDM/hydrodesulfurization (HDS)
activity, and a tail-end highly active HDS/hydrocracking (HCR)
catalyst [1,5]. The principal feature of the front-end catalyst is a
high-metal uptake capacity, and its main function is to disaggregate
asphaltene molecules for metals removal, so that the
downstream catalysts can operate with low-metal content
The other important factor is a careful selection of the reaction
severity, in order to balance the quality of the product with the rate
of catalyst deactivation (i.e. cycle length). Reaction severity also
impacts the economics of the process, as it determines the total
investment of the unit (reactors, compressors, etc.), hydrogen
make-up, and heating, cooling, pumping, and compression inputs.
The Mexican Institute of Petroleum (IMP) has taken into account all
these problems and developed a catalytic hydroprocessing
technology to convert heavy and extra-heavy crude oils, either
for obtaining upgraded crude oil or producing suitable feed for
refineries [6]. Among other characteristics, the process has an
arrangement of fixed-bed reactors in series loaded with a graded
catalyst system, which in combination with low-pressure operating
conditions minimizes sludge formation.
In commercial units, the temperature and hydrogen-to-oil
(H2/oil) ratio profiles, generated by the adiabatic operation
and hydrogen quenching/recycling, differ substantially from
those observed in bench scale reactors. Consequently, when
Applied Catalysis A: General 361 (2009) 1–12
Article history:
Received 23 December 2008
Received in revised form 28 February 2009
Accepted 4 March 2009
Available online 17 March 2009
Heavy oil hydroprocessing
Fixed-bed reactor
Liquid quenching
This work presents the modeling and analysis of heavy oil hydroprocessing in a fixed-bed reactor system
with liquid quenching. Hydroprocessing tests at various operating conditions were conducted in amultireactor
pilot plant, with inter-bed injection of quench gas or liquid. Based on the experimental
information, a heterogeneous plug-flow reactor model was developed to simulate the behavior of the
process with both gas and liquid quenching. Major reactions such as hydrodesulfurization (HDS),
hydrodenitrogenation (HDN), hydrodemetallization (HDM), hydrodeasphaltenization (HDAs), and
hydrocracking (HCR) are considered. The model showed to predict quite well the experimental data in
the range of the studied operating conditions. The analysis was extended to simulate the commercial
process and to analyze different quenching schemes from an economical point of view. It was
determined that the liquid quenching scheme reduces the consumption of utilities and equipment
requirements, and thereby total costs, without affecting product quality.
2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
* Corresponding author at: Instituto Mexicano del Petro´ leo, Eje Central La´ zaro
Ca´rdenas 152, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Me´ xico D.F. 07730, Mexico.
Tel.: +52 55 9175 8443; fax: +52 55 9175 8429.
E-mail address: jancheyt@imp.mx (J. Ancheyta).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Applied Catalysis A: General
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/apcata
0926-860X/$ – see front matter 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
scaling-up experimental data, an adequate reactor configuration
must be established to represent the average temperature
and H2/oil ratio used in pilot plant tests. This is done by (1)
adjusting inlet temperatures and number of catalytic beds along
with their respective lengths and (2) properly distributing the
amount of hydrogen in the quenching/recycling streams. In a
previous study on one process alternative [7], it was found that
it is not possible to quench with hydrogen the total heat release
and at the same time to keep the design average H2/oil ratio. The
latter resulted from the low gas rate circulating in the system
(H2/oil ratio of 890 std m3/m3) and the inverse relationship
between hydrogen quenching and H2/oil ratio (i.e. every quench
stream reduces the amount of recycled hydrogen entering the
reactors, thereby decreasing average H2/oil ratio); on the other
hand, augmenting hydrogen quenching capacity implied
increasing compression. Such a technical–economical limitation,
led to evaluate other alternatives for designing the quench
A recent review on quenching in fixed-bed hydroprocessing
reactors pointed out that liquid quenching