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Homosexuality Adopt Or Not?

Enviado por   •  15 de Agosto de 2014  •  297 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  235 Visitas

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Adopt or not?

Nowadays one of the most controversial topics to talk in this century is about the adoption, but not any type of adoption, specific one where the couple have the same sex. Adopting a child is a huge step, and requires a lot of time, sacrifice and the most important thing responsibility, this isn’t a decision that somebody take suddenly and less a job that everybody can make.

In Colombia, laws don’t allow that homosexual couples get married and less to have the possibility to raise a family. There are many opinions about this issue that collides because a group of persons think that everybody in the country have the right to get married, no matter their skin color, ethnicity or sexuality orientation. On the other hand, Catholics, Christians and a bunch of people believe that homosexuals don’t have the determination to hold in their shoulders this huge responsibility and also they believe that a natural couple is between a woman and a man.

LGTB groups have protested and reclaimed their rights as citizens; they want to prove that they can be good parents because a sexuality orientation is not a problem to raise a baby. The National University did a research about if that been gay affect in some way the children behavior but they found that the couple sexuality have nothing to do with the way that the children live. However, I think that many Colombia citizens don’t have open mind to accept an equal rights, where a gay couple can be able to adopt and raise a little baby.

What I think about this? Well, I don’t have a strong opinion about it, so I preferred to reserve what I think and hope that any children must have a lovely family who love them.


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