- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  31 de Mayo de 2015  •  407 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  146 Visitas

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Global warming concerns a gradual increase of temperature in the atmosphere and in the oceans recorded in recent decades. Although the term does not indicate, this warming is often associated with the activities of man. Excessive production of carbon dioxide increases the existence of greenhouse gases, which are those that capture photons from the ground to be heated by the sun, but that does not generate any chemical reaction but increase the temperature of air.

The projections in time about global warming are terrible. Endangered glaciers and the poles, all that melted ice generates deadly floods and an ecological crisis very difficult to control. Uncontrolled deforestation worsens the situation alarming great extensions jungles and forests are cleared for timber extraction or release land and planting seeds harmful that deplete the earth in two crops leaving it dry and rocky for agricultural or grazing use.

How to collaborate to reduce the effects of pollution on climate change? There are some simple things you can do to reduce global warming, as directly or indirectly result in less production of carbon dioxide to effect emissions.

• Change your light bulbs to those classified as low power consumption.

• Restricts the most of your water usage and hot water in particular.

• Recycle your trash, although the exact advice is to try to produce the least amount of trash as possible.

But, the activity from agriculture releases large amounts of methane into the atmosphere. Aerosols, fumes, changes in crops and forests, deforestation, desertification, are factors that influence climate change. It is true that CO2 is the spearhead, but it is also true that it can be considered the top of the iceberg, not their relative importance, but because it is what attracts most attention and can forward it to the other factors.

It is extremely important that we all do our bit to rescue our planet, looking after it. But also the countries of the various agreements, treaties signed and promised to make changes in the production and emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, really committed and fulfilled and that interest them not only their economies. Because all who inhabit the planet Earth will have a bill, we got the result of climate change effects on Earth, and countries that do not harm the atmosphere will also be affected by these changes, which, more than be a simple injustice, is a repetition of routinely poor judgment in this planet.


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