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Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Enviado por   •  22 de Septiembre de 2014  •  Informe  •  355 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  146 Visitas

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Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Imagination and knowledge are one of the biggest qualities of the humans; can you imagine a world without them? It would be a complete disaster; there are a lot of people that says imagination is more important than knowledge one of them Albert Einstein; but I don’t agree them.

If I wanted to know if imagination was more important I had to go to the beginning of times, so I looked back to the first humans in this world Adam and Eve, when they had a bite of the apple they lost all of their knowledge, they started feeling new things, they were afraid, ashamed of themselves and in a kind of knew world, so they thought what are we going to do? And there is when imagination came, they had to harvest their own lands, get their own food and survive without any knowledge they just used the unlimited imagination and accordingly this knowledge appears.

In my opinion I think imaginations is what holds knowledge, but I can’t say knowledge is less important because both depend on each other, the difference between them is that with imagination you can create unlimited things, maybe magic or unreal things you can create whatever you want, your free with your imagination, and knowledge is the ability to make what you imagine real.

Imagination is knowledge and knowledge is imagination, because imagination is the unlimited knowledge, and imagination creates knowledge, both together can make unbelievable things.

I would say both knowledge and imagination have their own peculiarities.

Imagination creates a world of possibilities, and knowledge makes them real. What would be of Einstein without knowledge? Of Walt Disney without imagination? Of us without them? And most important the world without them?

When they first told me this topic I was completely sure that imagination was more important just because of the fact it came first , now I realized I made a big mistake and that they are almost the same thing with the only difference that with imagination your free and it is unlimited, and knowledge are the facts the information that we learn through our lives.


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