Ingles 3 Act 2
Enviado por rarodriguezpen • 13 de Septiembre de 2014 • 334 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 499 Visitas
Answer the questions below:
a. How many activities do you have to do in this course? Complete the chart.
Activity Grade Open on
Act 1 25 11-feb
Act 2 20 04-mar
ACT 3 60 04-mar
Act 4 20 04-mar
Act 5 20 15-mar
Act 6 20 15-mar
Act 7 60 29-mar
Act 8 25 12-abr
Act 9 25 12-abr
Act 10 25 26-abr
Act 11 25 26-abr
Act 12 25 12-may
Act 13 25 12-may
Act 14 50 04-jun
Act 15 75 04-jun
b. There is an activity where you have to meet with your tutor by Skype or another
media, which one is it?
Speaking Assignment
c. Your tutor's name is Brenda Liceth Vargas , your course director is
Leidy Diana Sanchez Garcia and your group is 247.
d. Complete the chart
What can you find in
News Forum General Forum
In this forum we will find news related to classroom activities, date and instructions of different types In this Forum we can contact our tutor and participate in the subjects openen, this is a place to communicate with our virtual tutor ang group mates to solve technical problens and general academic concerns.
e. How many exams does the final evaluation have?
We have two finals: Mid-Term Exam and Final Exam.
f. In this course do you have to present collaborative activities?
No. We don´t have.
g. Take a screen shot of your profile in this course, with all the information actualized.
2nd Part
h. What's your name?
My name is Raul Ademir Rodriguez Peña
i. How old are you?
I am 40 years old.
j. Where do you live?
I am living in Baranquilla and i live in the neighborhood Los Pinos
k. What are you studying?
I am studying Telecomunications engineering.
l. What do you do in your free time?
In my free time, I play with my children
m. Who do you live with?
I live with my family, wife and two children
3rd Part
Answer the following questions completing the chart
Is English important in your life? Why? Is English important in your career? Why?
Yes, because the english language is the universal language, anywhere in the world talking, besides many works ask to speak this language. Yes, because there are many books in english and we have to understand and treat the staff are foreigners. Telecommunications are also generally the field of technology and future, should