Ingles Actividades
Enviado por licha1996 • 13 de Marzo de 2014 • 280 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 370 Visitas
Name:………………………………………………. Date: 14/01/2014
Read and circle the correct word.
1.- She is my mom/dad.
2.- She/He is my brother.
3.- He are/is my uncle.
4.- They are my sister/sisters.
5.- He/She is my aunt.
6.- She is my baby brother/mom.
7.- They is/are my pet/pets.
8.- She is my grandpa/grandma.
9.- They are / is my cousins.
Write two sentences using he, she or they
Name:………………………………………………. Date: 14/01/2014
Complete the sentences correctly using (family vocabulary, is or are; he, she, they)
She is my grandma.
1.- They ……… my sisters.
2.- He is my …………… .
3.- ……… are my pets.
4.- ……… is my mom.
5.- He is ……… uncle.
6.- ………. ………. my aunts.
7.- ……… is …….. grandpa.
9.- They …….. ………. …………………… .
10.- …………. ……….. ……….. baby brother.