Ingles Basico 5
Enviado por yurben • 17 de Diciembre de 2014 • 237 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 126 Visitas
Y:hello, Mijares ?
M:yes, It's Mijares, why?
Y:Because, I'm interested in the advertisement
M: what advertisement?
Y:The house of Cayma
M: Ok ok, You can visit me on Sunday
Y: What time?
M:at 5:00 pm
Y: See you on Sunday......
Y:Hello, I'm Yurben. I called last Friday asking for The House
M:Hello Yurben don't worry. Follow me please
M:the house has two floors, this is beautiful and comfortable
Y: How many bedrooms does it have?
M:there are four bedrooms quite big. Follow me please
Y: wow! this is a beautiful kitchen. Is there a washing machine?
M:No, there isn't. The kitchen is big there is a cooker a frige a cupboard
Y: In my past house, there were some plants and there weren't cupboard but there was a shelf
M: Follow me, this is a living room
Y: Is this a fireplace?
M:Yes, this is. there is a sofa there are some pictures
Y:Who is he?
M:He is my father. He was murdered
Y:I'm sorry
M: well, In the second floor there are some bedrooms there and only two bedrooms have bathrooms
Y: sure? in the past house, there were three bathrooms
Y:is there a study in the house?
M:yes, there is, next to the first bedroom
Y: is there a computer?
M:no, there is, but there is a armchair and there are bookshelves
Y: Are there any neighbours with children?
M: yes, some any
Y:Is there a school near here?
M: yes, there is
Y: where?
M:there's one in the square
Y:When can we more in?
M:As soon as you like
Y: See you Mijares
M: See you