- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ingles Case

Enviado por   •  29 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Apuntes  •  356 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  100 Visitas

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This is the crazy story where there was a bitter guy who lived in a distant mountain, this guy was the brother because he was bald, bad heart and probably dry in the past committed terrible crimes of which he was guilty. In this place there lived a beautiful girl, happy, thin but very suspicious that he always saw the boy hermit caves, one day the two met, a very nervous because none of them knew who lived with another person, to have both a little twisted ideas about not being loved and being alone were very insecure and nervous to talk, said his first words, though they may never find that day was the final day that neither wanted to share place. Coward and started a closed-form closed and sick duel ended with a bullet deep in the bottom of the hearts of the two to shoot the gun cool and moist in a sharp struggle to follow in the sad loneliness of the place. This is the hostile history happened in a strange place of depressive ideas, where there is only room for souvenirs and dizziness anxious life.

Schedule 400

Sept 18: firts speech “fashion# photo Essay.

Sept 25: second speech “tour around the world” / pairs

Oct 2: Midterm

Oct 9: written project “socializing”

Oct 16: third speech: “The trial of the year” / Groups

Oct 23: Final oral Written test

The lifestyle of the University is young, people are fresh and in general case are from the city, people like to dress with relaxed style, one can also say that the environment is chill and people are friendly. The food corp and the "Agora" they are the two favorite places to meet among friends or to go to the mall for some beers to share.

My experience in the University in Three years has been great you can know a lot of new and interesting people.

You can also see in summer soccer game in the court of the university, it is sometimes amusing when you this with some friends

the things when they are in many hands they fail, it is better when the things take them a sincere person and ordinate


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