- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Enviado por   •  11 de Octubre de 2018  •  Apuntes  •  256 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  139 Visitas

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People I like the most!

Actividad de Aplicación:

Escribir 10 oraciones y una conclusión sobre los géneros de películas expresando sus preferencias cinematográficas en equipo.

Cd. Universitaria de San Nicolás de los Garza Nuevo León, a __ de Febrero del .

  1. Solís prefers watching movies in the cinema tan watching movies in his house.
  2. Saracho would prefer science fiction movies rather than romance movies.
  3. Miranda prefers eating popcorn tan to eat hot dog.
  4. Fernando would prefer to watch action movies.
  5. Fernando would prefer to watch action movies because they are entreating.
  6. Today Saracho would rather go to the cinema.
  7. Solis would prefer to buy the tickets before start movies.
  8. Miranda would prefer to buy a soda tan to buy an ice.
  9. Saracho prefer to go to the bathroom.
  10. Today Fernando would rather go to the watch movies.    

I like sci-fi movies because they try not view or normal subjects of the films are about surprising facts that have not get come to reality.

I don´t like romantic movies because they are not very entertainer they don’t have much action and are not flashy.

I prefer movies of science fiction tan the romantic because they drage my attention because they have best stories, best effects, best scene and are more entertaining.

  1. Do you like watching action movies?

Hector likes action movie

  1. What would you prefer to watch movie rather travel to country?

Hector would prefer to watch movie  

  1. Would you rather to read the newspaper?

Hector rather read the newspaper


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