- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ingles Y Sus Barreras

Enviado por   •  2 de Noviembre de 2013  •  1.106 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  355 Visitas

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We live in a drug culture, from the morning when we take caffeine or theophylline, to breakfast, to the night, we can relax to return home with an alcoholic aperitif, or a sleep with a sleeping pill, prescribed by the doctor, we are using different substances, which affect the central nervous system, to address these vicissitudes of everyday life. Many well as we rush through the day, aspiring nicotine.


Even when drugs were present in all cultures and in all times, now more people who use drugs, more quantity and more facilities to get them.

When conducting a survey and asks for the major problems of today's society always gets named in the top 5 the "drug problem". And when people see the reason for this problem is usually named as a problem of poor and marginalized. And long ago ceased to be a problem and marginal street, and this occurred when drugs were the best deal for some and unfortunately for others the worst.

Substance use is becoming more permissive, it makes people believe "nothing happens if consumed".

Drug addiction and everything associated with it made a big waste of money for those who are against, especially for states who must fight them in many ways at once.

To achieve this we draw on research methodology literature, and some interviews helped us to realize how big this problem.


Although drugs have always existed and continue to exist, the problematic use has manifested strongly in recent decades becoming a social problem that is increasing as more and more people use some type of drug, in larger quantities and younger ages. There's more variety and better facilities to access them.

Consumption and drug abuse affects individuals, families, society is, a problem that affects us all and that needs to be faced by the various systems or groups of our society, family, school, office, church, company, municipality, university, etc.)

Experience has shown that the solution is not totally under control agencies, or the experts, it is essential to involve the community, the school, and especially the family

Drug addiction is actually a very old phenomenon that has manifested today and massively intense. It is observed in all ages and in all socioeconomic groups but, as we have seen drug abuse greatly harms the economy and health of addicts, often leading them to become criminals has perhaps never was.

Another thing we learned with the completion of this work is that an addict would still addicted while alive, ie rehabilitate the individual to live without using drugs and, thereafter, it will be an addict in remission, not are using the drug, but to stay in that state of abstinence or remission can not lower our guard. and prevention campaigns in Chile are often aimed at people who still do not consume drugs and not those who already do.

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Vivimos en una cultura de la droga, desde la mañana cuando tomamos cafeína o teofilina, al desayuno, hasta la noche, en que podemos relajarnos


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