- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ingles sibre egipto

Enviado por   •  20 de Junio de 2018  •  Apuntes  •  318 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  83 Visitas

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an adventure in Paris

When we arrived in Paris, we could not stand the hunger so we went to a restaurant and ate a cake and a bit of chocolate for this new adventure. The first thing we visited was the triumphal arch, because when walking, this bellesa was followed by a visit to the Louvre Museum where the picture of mona lisa da vinci is found while walking the streets we hear a song that is my favorite and it is called la vie en rose is very well known in paris because it is very romantic and you listen very often if you walk between streets of paris

what I like most about Paris is that it is a romantic place where you can have a picnic watching the tower ieffel where we tasted a little red wine, cream cheese salmon and admiring the beautiful view I had fun with my friends at that time because we laughed, we dance and especially distrutando to the friends

After noon we went to the Palace of Versailles that apart from the beautiful is a World Heritage Site what I liked the most were the gardens so big and beautiful and the history of that time about Queen Marie Antonia is as if one traveled in time , an unforgettable experience

After a long trip through Paris we visited the bridge of the padlocks that the river Sena is famous because the people who visit that place or who like romanticism put their eternal love in a padlock, it is a tradition in Paris because it represents the love or friendship that bridge with a great view of the surroundings of the city the most important thing was that I learned so much of its culture as its customs and its gastronomy is and always will be one of the best experiences that I will have, which will take me with this memory.


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