- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  17 de Junio de 2013  •  280 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  265 Visitas

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1. Low self-esteem is when individual are very critical about himself , is a person who is always being compared to others and feel inferior or devalued. Are several factors that determine a person with low self-esteem including genetics, physical appearance, social status or personality. Shy people often the target of ridicule and jokes which influences to further lower their self. Bullying is currently one of the leading causes of suicide among children because it destroys self-esteem.

In these days the physical appearance is the gold of every women and men; media have been commissioned to sell us an idea of what they think is beautiful and successful, if you don’t have that kind of body or if you don’t wear the latest fashions, if you don’t live in “that zone” or use “this car” your nothing, your word not worth, etc. this bring consequences like anorexia and bulimia, low self-esteem, unhappiness, depression, people do not value what they have and what they are, always want more and more and that what we are teaching succeeding generations.

2. I think writing is a good way to order our thoughts and feelings; sometimes you need to read you to realize things in a more objective form. Is a way to empty yourself and live the past behind. Is therapy for the soul. My advice to him could be that his unique and especial, and only have one life in this world, tell them to enjoy every moment no matter what anyone says, what really matters is what you believe about yourself, do not let time pass and looking back you regret for not having done your dreams for fear of what people say.


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