- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

La Contaminacion En Beijing

Enviado por   •  20 de Noviembre de 2014  •  338 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  468 Visitas

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Pollution in Beijing reached new highs in dangerouslevelafter 50 hours

The PM 2.5 particulatepollutantshavebeen more thantwodays in fifteen times higherlevelsthanthoseconsidered "safe" bythe WHO.

Air pollution in Beijing a new record todaytokeep "dangerouslevels" forover 50 hoursstraight, thefirst time thisyear, as itunveiledthe Greenpeace office in East Asia.

Contaminantparticles PM2.5 and smaller-themostdamagingbecausethey can directlyenterthelungshavebeen more thantwodays at levelsfifteen times the "safe" consideredbytheWorldHealthOrganization (WHO ), theorganizationsaid in a statement.

"Greenpeace analyzes show thatpollution comes fromareassouth of Beijing, includingthesouthernpart of Hebei Province, wheretheiron and steelmills and other heavy industries," explains Zhang Kai, a representative of Greenpeace East Asia.

Zhang believesthatthepriceyou are payingwiththeextensive use of coal in China isthehealth of citizens and ensuresthatpollutionisreducinglifeexpectancy in China.

"Greenpeace urges theauthoritiestoimplementtheemergency plan thatincludesclosingthemostpollutingplants, eliminateobsoletefacilities and reduce the use of coal," says Zhang.

TosendthemessagetotheChinesegovernmentthattheresidents of Beijing, "temporary and permanent," blueskiesdeserve, Greenpeace activistshaveprojectedanimageonthefamousDrum Tower Beijing asking "Blue Skiesnow!" and havetriedthefamousfootballplayer, Leo Messi, part of hiscampaignonTwitterbecause of itspresence in theChinese capital.

"Hey, @ LeoMessi1987, badpollution in Beijing today, huh? Helpusblueskies and askretweet" writes Greenpeace East Asianfootballstar, todayparticipated in a training session in the capital of Brazil'sfriendlyface Argentina to be heldtomorrow at thestadium "Bird'sNest" in Beijing.

TheNationalMeteorological Center of China todaydeclaredanorangealert, thehighestafterthe red, withthehighlevels of pollutionrecorded in parts of thenorth, including Beijing.

Theauthoritieshaverecommendedtheircitizens reduce outdooractivitiesduringtheorangealert, a warningthat, accordingtotheofficial "People'sDaily" quoted, isexpectedtostayuntilSaturdaymorning, whenthe South American classicwill be heldonChinesesoil.



Pollutionis a problemthatnobodywantstotakeresponsibility and, even in some cases, isnotseenuntilit'stoo late. We, as citizens of a province and a country thatwantstogrow and improvetheirquality of life, begintobecomeaware of thisproblem and thedifficultiesthatroutestotheenvironment and, therefore, health and human welfare.

Educatingpeopleis a basic and fundamental tool in environmentaltermsisconcerned.


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