- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Los Nazarens

Enviado por   •  19 de Agosto de 2013  •  326 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  159 Visitas

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asfasdfas las culaes pueden afectar e lmuyasnfdskañjlHarris Lewis



Ms. Rash


Angola Human Rights violations.

In 2005 Angola was listed as one of the top 10 of the most corrupt countries by their police officers. (Interest faqs - Angola). In addition to corrupt policemen Angola is a country that violates Human Rights by torturing their citizens, kidnapping protesters leaders and punishes freedom of expression.

Angola breaks the Human Rights by torturing their citizens. During their 27-year war, Angola veterans tortured supposedly Indian invaders they were tortured to get information about their enemies in this case the Indians. (Uses of torture recent times) Other problems are the corrupt policies, which torture citizens to make clear they are not corrupt. They even kill them and to show the other polices that they are tough and they will be able to protect all that they believe in, in this case is: they are not corrupt and this explain why there are much murders in this country. (Angola Amnesty Report 2007).

Angola punishes freedom of expression by killing or taking as prisoners people who insult the police. People have declared that even the human rights defenders have been put in jail for their critics against the police or government. We also could see that differences were not acceptable for trying to maintain their rules and culture. Freedom of expression is also prohibited because journalists ´cameras are being destroyed just to now show the world how they really are and after that they are tortured and in danger of dying if they told this to anyone else.


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