- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  2 de Septiembre de 2013  •  240 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  254 Visitas

Reading Comprehension



English Course

Practicing There is/ there are

What's in Your Office?

David: I've got a new office now…

Maria: That's great! Congratulations.

David: I'll need a desk and some cabinets. How many cabinets are there in your office?

Maria: I think there are four cabinets in my office.

David: And do you have any furniture in your office? I mean other than the chair at your desk.

Maria: Oh yes, I've got a sofa and two comfortable armchairs.

David: Are there any tables in your office?

Maria: Yes, I've got a table in front of the sofa.

David: Is there a computer in your office?

Maria: Oh yes, I keep a laptop on my desk next to the phone.

David: Are there any flowers or plants in your office?

Maria: Yes, there are a few plants near the window.

David: Where's your sofa?

Maria: The sofa is in front of the window, between the two armchairs.

David: Thanks a lot for your help Janet. This gives me a good idea of how to arrange my office.

Maria: My pleasure. Good luck with your decorating!

EXERCISE. Instruction: Underline the correct answer.

1.- David has just received a new job.

True False Don’t Say

2.- David is sure he will need some cabinets in his new office.

True False Don’t Say

3.- Maria thinks it is a good idea to have comfortable furniture in an office.

True False Don’t Say

4.- David is surprised that Maria keeps coffee on her table.

True False Don’t Say

5.- Maria keeps a computer next to her telephone.

True False Don’t Say


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