MIII - U1 - Actividad 1. Adjetivos
Enviado por sasu208 • 21 de Octubre de 2014 • 243 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 333 Visitas
Lee detenidamente la siguiente lista de adjetivos:
bello beautiful brillante bright
grande big largo large
limpio clean suelto loose
frio cold afortunado fortunate
cómodo comfortable casado married
completo complete desordenado messy
fácil easy moderno modern
delicioso delicious nuevo new
caro expensive ruidoso noisy
rápido fast abierto open
gordo fat cortes polite
gracioso funny orgulloso proud
formal official rico rich
lleno fill seguro safe
bueno good derecho rigth
feliz happy fuerte strong
dificil difficult alto tall
saludable healthy caliente heat
pesado heavy húmedo damp
honesto honest ancho wide
interesante interesting joven young
Lee las siguientes oraciones y escribe el adjetivo correcto:
Oraciones Escribe el adjetivo:
1. The dog is big
2. The baby is funny
3. The dress is expensive
4. The man is tall
5. The teacher is young
Elabora una descripción de tu localidad, ciudad o artista favorito utilizando los diferentes adjetivos, el texto deberá de ser de 5 líneas insertando alguna foto o imagen que la represente.
I live in Puebla, is a very nice city is not very big but it has great tells the history of, the food is delicious, the Mole Poblano is the typical saucer of the city also the Chiles in Nogada, the typical sweets are the majority elaborated with milk and are very rich. The center is a very picturesque place and there are many museums, and have very ancient churches. And the people are very nice very agreeable me much likes to live here.