Enviado por itzelcruz • 13 de Abril de 2015 • Práctica o problema • 351 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 164 Visitas
What is a muteness?
The muteness is a communication problem that affects both children and adults. This is a rare problem that occurs in few cases. People with mutism have no organic problem that prevents them from speaking or understanding a language. However, due to a phobia, take shelter in silence.
There are few types of silence?
The silence is related to some kind of social phobia. Affected individuals have a great fear of being the center of attention and behave in embarrassing fashion. The silence has various manifestations which also correspond to various causes.
• selective mutism
• Total silence
• Akinetic mutism
What is selective mutism?
This kind of silence usually occurs in children or young people with higher incidence in girls than in boys. Selective mutism is difficult to detect for parents because at home or with friends the child is expressed normally. However, in other contexts the child consistently silent.
What are its causes?
can argue genetic predisposition. It can often be detected as symptoms of selective mutism obstinacy and inhibition of their behavior or even depression.
What is the total silence?
this is the worst case of silence and therefore also the easiest to detect. Affected people stop talking. As can be noted trigger some kind of traumatic experience.
What are its causes?
Very often the total silence is related to depreseión, psychosis or some other psychiatric problems. Not usually occurs in children.
What is the akinetic mutism?
In this case it is a serious neurological disorder that must be differentiated from selective mutism and total. Those affected are not suffering any paralysis and yet neither speak nor move, nor show any emotion
What are its causes?
The causes include brain damage, brain trauma, tumors or hydrocephalus.
What treatment is to combat the silence?
In the case of total and selective mutism a multifactorial therapy is recommended. It is a blend of therapy linguistic, psychological, psychiatric and family. In this sense, there is a specially designed for the silence that combines linguistic and conductive measures systemic therapy. Youth and adults can also turn to antidepressants. Homeopathy has even proved effective in some cases.
In the case of akinetic mutism improvement depends on the treatment of the disease that caused it.