- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Mi Bebe

Enviado por   •  18 de Junio de 2014  •  Síntesis  •  449 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  171 Visitas

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I was reading a book about the world poverty and the author told a history about Bill Gates. We all know that Bill is one to the richest people in the world, but the author was saying that Bill and his wife were unhappy. In that moment I was amazed and I asked: How a rich person can be unhappy? I keep reading and I found out that they were unhappy because they knew that they became rich thanks to money from other people all around the world.

That was when Bill and his wife, Melinda decided to create a foundation to help people all around the world with their needs, especially health. They spent the half of their fortune to create this foundation, but magically, they were receiving more money which they reinvest it. After a while working on the “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation2”, a journalist asked to Bill: “Are you happy now?” and he answered: “I’m completely happy”.

In the case of Gates, I think that his wealth didn’t make him happy because he knew that while became more and more rich, other people were becoming poorer and he didn't want that to happen. I think he knew that money was going to filled him and his family with luxuries, whims, and goods that they were going to enjoy momentarily and will helped them to live a good life, but while he was living in that “amazing” conditions, many people would be dying for many causes and he wasn’t doing anything to helped them, and that is why he did what he did.

Just like Bill, I think that money will never make us happy. Money is important but usually it takes us away from people who loves us like family and real friends, gives us many worries, money is so dangerous that can ruin our lives, till the point of dead. And maybe we’ll feel good or satisfied to able to have everything we want or anyone we want, but money will never give us real friends, true love, a family and other important things in life.

Like I’d say before, money will always be important, but will never give you the happiness you want, happiness is achieved at a time when we're with your family, when we serve other people, or when we have fun with our friends. Money comes and goes, but if we do good works and a lot of service, we will be happy forever. And also we need to remember that our Heavenly Father says in the scriptures that material things won’t count to gain eternal salvation, and that really cares, is the service and the help we offer to our neighbor.


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