My Most Memorable Experience
Enviado por JoseCarlosSolis • 9 de Octubre de 2014 • 265 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 304 Visitas
When I was about 8. I went with my family to Chiapas, to see my grandparents. The night of Christmas my sister, my cousin and I, we were opening the gifts while my uncles and my parents were dining. My sister put her doll in a box with her firecrackers. My mom talked her and she ran, but she stumbled and the box fell and burned. My grandma ran to her and tried to turn off the fire, but seemed that she was dancing. We all started to laugh. My sister felt angry and sad and started to cry.
I remember when I bought my first smartphone. It was on May. At first I felt nervous because I couldn't believe that I was spending around 1000 dollars in a phone, but then when I had the phone on my hands I felt so excited. Finally I felt upset because the phone wasn't that I believed.
Yesterday was the birthday of my mom and I forgot it, and i felt bad. So I went to La pasteleteria to buy her favorite cake, "cheesecake". At first I felt amazed because that tiny cake costed me about 35 dollars. But then when I arrived and see my mom's face I didn't care, because I know that she won't be all her life with me. Finally we were passing a good time remember all the greats times that we past.
The three events were important to me because two of them went about the people that I love so much and one because I bought it with my sacrifice and dedication.