- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Nursing Homes

Enviado por   •  16 de Enero de 2014  •  238 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  200 Visitas

I’ve looked for two nursing homes, one of them in Burgos city, Residencia San Agustin and other in a small town, Residencia San Miguel.

The type of property vary according where the home is located. In that case the one which is in Burgos city is occupying some floors within a block of flats, and the other is a two-storeyed building with garden. Also related with the property, Residencia San Agustin which can accommodate 43 residents is own by the Diputación de Burgos (local authority) and Residencia San Miguel is private with 100 residents.

On Internet I’ve only found eligibility information about R. San Agustin, it requires be over 65, be free from disease and having resided in Burgos for a minimum of 2 years.

I haven’t found convenience information, but I know that R. San Agustin is on some bus lines, close to a local church and adjacent to local amenities, because I live opposite.

Both nursing homes are plenty of accessibility have full en-suite facilities and nurse call system, they don’t have TV or phone but have the sockets. They write about programmes and activities but without focus on them. Both have a vast variety of entertainment and services such as: music programmes, daily newspapers, trips, TV room, oratory, laundry service, hairdressing…

I haven’t found many information about catering and security.

The health care is great in both homes, but in my opinion is better the offer by R. San Miguel.


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