Enviado por Brayan Gamez Mts • 15 de Noviembre de 2015 • Trabajo • 351 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 559 Visitas
1.-I must go to the library to deliver a book
2.-We must be at the class at seven o'clock.
3.-I must do my homework.
4.-I must reach the address before enterin
5.-I must pay the inscription
6.- I must make practices
7.-Students must pay attention
8.- I must make my exhibition for tomorrow
1.-tengo que utilizar las herramientas del trabajo
2.-nosotros tenemos que usar equipo de proteccion en las minas
3.-ellos tienen que hacer bien el trabajo en la mina
5.-tenemos que resolver la duda al cliente
6.-tenemos que salir bien en calidad
7.-tenemos que tener buena relacion con los compañeros
8.-tengo que llegar puntual al trabajo
9.-tengo que checar antes de ingresar a mi area
1.-deberia de cuidarme en el embarazo
2.-ella deberia de tomar cocoa antes de sanar
3.-toda embarazada deberia usar faja de maternidad
3.-ella no deberia de beber alcohol estando embarazada
4.-alejandra no deberia de consumir drogas en el embarazo
5.-nicole no deberia usar ropa ajustada en su embarazo
6.-ashly deberia de caminar en el embarazo
7.-toda embarazada deberia cuidarse mucho antes de los tres meses
8.-ellas deberian de asistir a una platica de como amamantar al bebe
1.-I must go to the library to deliver a book
2. We must be at the class at seven o'clock.
3. I must do my homework.
4. I must reach the address before enterin
5. I must pay the inscription
6. I must make practices
7. Students must pay attention
1.-I have to use work tools
2. we have to use protective equipment in mines
3. they have to do a good job in the mine
5. have to resolve customer questions
6. we have to do well in quality
7. we have to have good relationship with colleagues
8. I have to get to work
9. I have to check before entering my area
1.- should take care of myself in pregnancy
2. it should take before healing cocoa
3. every pregnant should use maternity girdle
3. it should not be drinking alcohol while pregnant
4. Alejandra should not use drugs during pregnancy
5. nicole should not wear tight clothes in her pregnancy
6. ashly should walk in pregnancy
7. all pregnant women should take great care before three months
8. They should attend a talk on how to breastfeed the baby