Enviado por Mely..123 • 14 de Septiembre de 2015 • Tarea • 352 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 219 Visitas
• Objective:
The use of simple past of regular and irregular verbs, the use of can in statements and questions, the use of simple past information questions and the use many and much.
• Procedure:
Listen to the audios from the Self study listening pages. SSL3.
Corresponding to the units 9 to 12
Answer each exercise related to the audios
• Results:
Unit 9:
1. What’s a smoothie?
a. It’s a kind of drink
b. It’s a kid of ice cream
2. What are smoothies like?
a. They’re like coffee with milk.
b. They’re like a milk shake with fruit
3. Why does Yuki call the server?
a. She wants a smoothie
b. She wants some smoothie
4. What’s the problem with the order?
a. Yuki doesn’t understand the server
b. The server doesn’t understand Yuki
Unit 10:
1. Mark tells Eve that _________.
a. He didn’t have a very busy week
b. He did a lot this week
2. Eve is happy about Mark’s new computer because __________.
a. She needs to borrow it
b. Mark doesn’t need to borrow her laptop now
3. Mark wrote his last history paper _________.
a. Whit his new computer
b. With Eve’s laptop
4. This week Mark ______ on this new computer.
a. Watched DVDs
b. Wrote a paper
Unit 11:
1. Why did Ben have a party? ________It was his birthday_____________________
2. Why didn’t Jessica go to his party? ________She didn’t get Ben’s e-mail_______
3. Why didn’t Jessica get Ben’s e-mail? ________She has a new e-mail address____
4. What happened on Jessica’s bike trip? ________She got lost for four hours ____
5. What does Jessica want to do for Ben’s birthday?She wants to go out for lunch with Ben____
Unit 12:
1. Matt thinks that the restaurant __________________.
a. Has really good food
b. Has really good service
2. Gazpacho is a Spanish soup with _____________.
a. Fish, potatoes, and rice
b. Tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers
3. Emily orders _____________.
a. A sandwich and coffee
b. Soup and a sandwich
4. Matt wants to start with __________.
a. cheesecake
b. gazpacho
5. Emily is surprised because __________.
a. Matt said he didn’t want a big meal
b. Matt said he didn’t want soup
6. Matt changes his order because __________.
a. He doesn’t have much money
b. He’s not very hungry
• Conclusion:
The conclusion is how to explain words with