- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Preguntas De Ingles

Enviado por   •  13 de Mayo de 2013  •  325 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  388 Visitas

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3.- What is definition of Administration?

It is the logical and unalterable process to plan, to organize, to direct and to control the activities of a group of people who to reach a goal in common.

- To glide: To glide is to say now what would do but ahead, specifying when and how an considering the important factors and internal elements but as much as external.

- Organization: It consists of identifying the required actions, the grouping of the activities necessary to reach the objectives, the allocation of each one from these activities to the in charge or responsible area.

- Direction: It is the fact to influence in the individuals so that they contribute in favor of the fulfillment of the organizations and group goals.

- Control: It consists of measuring and correcting the individual and organization performance to guarantee that the facts are become attached to the plans.

1.- Define Marketing research and its other slopes of international marketing research.

It is a total system of activities of businesses whose purpose is to plan, to fix the price, to promote and to distribute products that cover market necessities between the goal markets to reach the corporative objectives.

- International Marketing: It consists in applying the techniques of commercialization longer than the borders of a country.

- Marketing research abroad: A company undertakes activities of commercialization with offices in the country where the product is going to be located.

- Multinational Marketing: It is the coordination of the activities of commercialization of a company in several countries.

5.- What is the excellence in the service?

At the present time, it is possible to have products or services until a quite high degree of sophistication, in which, the differences can be subtle, nevertheless, the preference of publish was polarized towards the companies that you distinguish yourself to offer them with a service of excellence. This is, to fulfill the offered quality and to give in amount and time, but not only to exceed this service, including simple actions and steps.


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