- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Presente progresivo, gramatica en ingles.

Enviado por   •  1 de Octubre de 2016  •  Práctica o problema  •  319 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  180 Visitas

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Producto integrador – Unidad  1

My name is __________________________,I am tall and thin.

I´m 16 years old, I have a medium black skin, my hair it’s black and short, I’m serious but sometimes I’m mused, I like eat tacos and do exercise every day.

I have brown eyes. I like run in the park. I play soccer in the night.

He´s name is________________-, he is calm and cheerful and every time is happy. He likes go to the gym and eat sushi. He is tall and strong, He has brown eyes and a brunette skin

I´m wake up at 6:00 am, and I have my breakfast at 8:00 am, I do exercise at 9:00 until 9:30. Later I do my homework. At 11:30 I take the bus to school, at 6:00 I go to my house, at 8:30, I go to the park and play soccer with my friends till 11:30. Later I go to my bed and I sleep to the next day.

Producto integrador – Unidad  1

My name is __________________________,I am tall and thin.

I´m 16 years old, I have a medium black skin, my hair it’s black and short, I’m serious but sometimes I’m mused, I like eat tacos and do exercise every day.

I have brown eyes. I like run in the park. I play soccer in the night.

He´s name is________________-, he is calm and cheerful and every time is happy. He likes go to the gym and eat sushi. He is tall and strong, He has brown eyes and a brunette skin

I´m wake up at 6:00 am, and I have my breakfast at 8:00 am, I do exercise at 9:00 until 9:30. Later I do my homework. At 11:30 I take the bus to school, at 6:00 I go to my house, at 8:30, I go to the park and play soccer with my friends till 11:30. Later I go to my bed and I sleep to the next day.


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