Punto de vista de los diferentes tipos de energía solar en ingles.
Enviado por Paoolaa Acoostaa Meendeezz • 10 de Abril de 2016 • Ensayo • 1.199 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 400 Visitas
Solar energy is a renewable energy, obtained from the exploitation of the electromagnetic radiation from the Sun. The solar radiation that reaches Earth has been used by man since ancient times, using different technologies that have evolved. Currently, the heat and light of the Sun can be used by means of various sensors such as photovoltaic cells, heliostats, or thermal, and can transform into electrical or thermal energy collectors. It is one of the so-called renewable energy or clean energy, which could help solve some of the most urgent problems facing humanity.
Different solar technologies is classified as passive or active depending on how you capture, convert and distribute solar energy. Active technologies include depaneles, photovoltaic and thermal solar collectors to collect energy. Passive techniques, include different techniques framed in the bioclimatic architecture: the orientation of the buildings to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or having the light-scattering properties, as well as the design of spaces using natural ventilation.
It is important to know the benefits of the use of renewable energy, since it is the best way to sensitize the public. For its climate and its geographical location, with many hours of Sun a year, Spain has optimal conditions to enjoy the advantages of solar energy in its three technologies: as with any other renewable source, the main advantages of solar energy reside in that is a clean resource, i.e., respectful of the environment, and inexhaustible Since its raw material is the Sun.
Photovoltaic solar energy produces electricity; the solar heating is used to produce heat for cooking, hot water or heating; and the power plant to generate electricity and heat generation, mainly for industrial processes.
In countries such as Spain, are not self-sufficient in terms of energy, have their own sources as it is the case of solar energy is something strategic, because it decreases the need to import fossil fuels, such as oil or gas. Be less dependent on imported energy sources is a very important cost savings and, also, a significant reduction of pollutant emissions. Even some experts who ensure that renewable energy, including solar energy, could replace completely the use of fossil fuels in our country.
But, in a domestic environment, few people know that solar energy facilities require very little maintenance and are very reliable and durable. For example, the guarantee of production of solar panels is 25 years, with a shelf life around age 35, with proper maintenance. These facilities for housing do not produce waste, residues, or smoke or odors and are practically invisible, as they can be placed on the roof.
Energy for areas disadvantaged and isolated in rural and isolated areas for example, photovoltaic solar energy can provide electricity to a community or a single dwelling, and solar thermal energy provides domestic hot water and heating. Why solar energy is a very suitable system for developing countries.
It is estimated that approximately 40% of the solar collectors installed in the world are in China. The energy generated allows supply of hot water to 10 million families, representing a saving of 6.3 million tons of coal a year, or what is the same, prevent the emission of more than 13 million tons of CO2.
As solar energy is gaining competitiveness, thanks to technological advances and the improvement of production processes, it will add to its advantages result equal or more cheaper than fossil fuels, but hassle free.
La energía solar es una energía renovable, obtenido a partir de la explotación de la radiación electromagnética del sol La radiación solar que llega a la Tierra ha sido utilizada por el hombre desde la antigüedad, el uso de diferentes tecnologías que se han desarrollado. En la actualidad, el calor y la luz del sol se pueden utilizar por medio de diversos sensores tales como células fotovoltaicas, helióstatos o térmica, y pueden transformarse en los colectores de energía eléctrica o térmica. Es uno de los llamados de energía renovable o energía limpia, lo que podría ayudar a resolver algunos de los problemas más urgentes que enfrenta la humanidad.