- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  7 de Mayo de 2015  •  Resumen  •  228 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  206 Visitas


The following project is about a render farm using the plataform BOINC, to connect each computer and make the render quicker. The project started in September 2014 and it's planned to finish on April 2015. The render farm was developed at Universidad Tecnologica de la Selva.

First of all, BOINC woks connecting several computers and allow to any person to contribute giving him/her the process that is not in use, in order to process small work packets, that are sent by a serves, on that way render becomes quicker, being processed by a lot of computers. In addition, if render requires a lot of time to be finished, a render farm will be a useful tool for the 3D design in this school.

Finally, the expected results of the project research are that students can practice 3D desings, doing their work quicker, so that the Universidad Tecnologica de la Selva will be the first university implementing a render farm turning it into the most appropriate school to hold E-commerce careers.

First of all:

Interviews to the MCE area were carried out the information to stablish that exists a deficience in the render time when develop an animation.

Second: possible solution were analyzed, is a render farm. It was realized using the software Boinc , the render farm will be used to make the render quicker .


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