- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  16 de Septiembre de 2014  •  392 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  121 Visitas

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Schools should invest in scholarship programs for those how can afford more study.


Some people say that giving scholarship programs for under- privileged students is a wasting of money because the country can use it to do other activities that increase our economy. Of course, the government can use that to improve the country faster than having to wait for their money get back from the students who receive the scholarships. However, the student growth is essential to have a good society. A bad student performance is consequence of many factors as a lower economy, and it has as an effect that students become unmotivated to study a professional career. The pupils need an activity that strengthen its person and make them grow as students. And in the future, they can do some different projects to improve the country, and both the country and the students will be benefit.


A scholarship program for under-privilege students wouldn’t give not only the opportunity to study, but also it would help them to be more focused in school. The scholarship would give them the opportunity not to work and only focused on the study. The students sometime need to work to be able to pay for their studies, so with their work they do not focus completely on their school. For example, if a student have a middle time job they cannot center all their attention on their class works, and they cannot put all their effort in the homework because they arrived home and they need to go to work, so they grades get lower. For that reason, a scholarship would help them quit their job for them to be able to improve on their studies.


Another reason why the government should invest in scholarship programs for under-privileged students is because in that way they will improve the level of general knowledge of the country. It contributes to personal enrichment, and a better understanding for the world. Furthermore, the more knowledge people have the more they can understand and interact better with others. Also this will avoid conflicts and violence. General knowledge is something that has to be in a great level for the country to become an important potential in the world, and this can only be accomplish with a good education in the whole population.


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