- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Universidad Autónoma De Nuevo León

Preparatoria # 6

Ingles III

Stage 2

“Metacognition Activity “


Last Name



Alemán Navarro

Zighane Maribel


Compeán Berlanga  

Damaris Judith  


Ibarra Alonso

Elva Nallely


Quistiano Camacho

Sirley Marlen


Torres Aguilar

José Andrés


Torres Ruíz


M.E.S. Raúl Téllez Tamez.

Montemorelos Nuevo León, September 29th,2015

“Frist Year of high School”

1.-Nallely: Did you used to have good notes?

Sirley: Yes, I did, I am always have good notes.

2.-Iovanni: Did you used to have many friends in high school?

Zhigane: Yes, I did, I am have more of ten friends.  

3.-Zhigane: Did you used to study for the exams?

Damaris: Yes, I did, I am sometimes.

4.-Sirley: Did you used to come early to the first class?

Iovvani: Yes I did. I was the first to arrive.

5.-Damaris: Did you once you have expelled?
Andres: No, I am not, I never had problems 

6.-Andres: Did you used to sleep in any class?

Nallely: No, I am not, I never sleep

7.-Nallely: Did used to matters at second chance?

Sirley: Yes, I did, I am only a few as mathematics.

8.-Iovvani: Did you used to do homework in the classroom?

Zhigane No, I didn´t.  I used to make at home.

9.-Zhigane: Did you used to have conviviality   with friends?

Damaris: Yes I did, I am have conviviality with Friends.

10.-Sirley: Did you used to leave pending matters?

Iovvani: Yes I did, I am leave pending

11.-Damaris: Did you participated much in class?

Andres: Yes I did, I am have sometimes


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