Syntax Of Adverbs
Enviado por xochitlalis • 31 de Mayo de 2014 • 1.321 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 651 Visitas
Adverbs are categorized such as one of the familiar categories of traditional grammar. Adverbs are not only modifiers of verbs, adverbs modifiers other syntactic cathegories such adjectives and other adverbs too. Different adverbs are
projected into different semantic objects Lexical adverbs can be morphologically related to adjectives to nouns, to prepositions and even to determiners.
Adverbial syntax is a complex domain because there are some aspects of adverb placement and interpretation that make it difficult to establish direct links between their syntax and their semantics.
Even adverbs may function as connective markers, spelling out the fact that most of such adverbs are ambiguous with other readings. In literature the distribution of adverbs can be hardly made dependent on some common set of syntactic features.
When such adverbs as only, even, etc., are used, they are usually placed in a strictly correct position, if they modify single words; but they are often removed from the exact position, if they modify phrases. It is importat to know where is the correct colloction of the adverbs because a wrong collocation of adverbs in a sencente may change the meaning in a word y and consequently the meaning of the phrese or sentence. Like it mention above an adverbs not only modify the verbs, the adverb can modify others syntatic cathegories.
Adverbs are has categories such speaker-oriented, subject-oriented and manner and each one has their own categories such it will be explain a long this analitic paper.
In Word Classes we can find two kinds of word classes, the frist one is the grammatical words those are words which contribute to the grammatical structure of the sentence and are generally prepositions, conjuctions, determiners and pronouns and the second one are the content words, those are that carry a high imformation. Content words are ussually nouns, verbs, adejctives and it’s here where the adverbs apear. So adverbs are in the categories of traditional grammar.
Adverbs differ from the other elements of a clause by:
- Range of semantic roles
- They can occur multiple in the same clause
- Can have more than one realization forms
- They can have different positions in a clause
- They have distinctive grammatical function
- They have flexibility for use in information processing and in displaying textual connections.
Adverb modifies verb by giving us the following information; how the action occurs, where the action occurs, how many times action occur, at which time the action occurs, intensity of action.
Adverbs are categorized on the basis of it information it gives, into the following categories those arethe common category and for fay the most know, adverbs of manner, adverb of place, adverb of time, and adverb of frequency.
Adverbs of Manner
These adverbs tell us that in which manner the action occurs or how the action occurs or occurred or will occur.
She speaks loudly.
He was driving slowly.
You replied correctly.
Adverb of Place
Adverb of place tells us about the place of action or where action occurs/occurred/will occurs. (here, there, near, somewhere, outside, ahead, on the top, at some place.)
He will come here.
The children are playing outside.
He was standing near the wall.
Adverb of time
These adverbs tell us about the time of action. (now, then, soon, tomorrow, yesterday, today, tonight, again, early, yesterday.)
I will buy a computer tomorrow.
The guest came yesterday.
Do it now.
Adverb of frequency
Adverbs of frequency tell us how many times the action occurs or occurred or will occur. (daily, sometimes, often, seldom, usually, frequently, always, ever, generally, rarely, monthly, yearly.)
He goes to school daily.
She never smokes.
He is always late for class.
Even there are adverb classes it is divide between speaker-oriented, subject-oriented, and manner, in speaker-oriented we can find conjuct which is an adberv for a speech act and in conjuct there are frame (Obviusly, frankly, probably) and proposition (Willingly, happily, necessarily). In subject-oriented we can find disjunct is an event (still, always, and often) “Subject-oriented adverbs in front position predicate of the subject; in post-verbal position they describe the manner in which the event