Tarea del curso de inglés.
Enviado por kjnlk • 14 de Noviembre de 2015 • Tarea • 413 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 329 Visitas
Homework Activity 3
Dilemma : Labor
You are the buyer of fresh produce for a supermarket chain. A large number of your suppliers are small-scale family farmers who provide good quality organic fruit and vegetables. Most farmers need additional labor, but cannot afford to hire it in, so it is common practice that their children help on the farm. It is brought to your attention that these children are having problems at school because they are too tired to do their homework and they are falling asleep in class. If the children don’t help on the family farm then production and income will drop and the family won’t be able to pay for food and schooling.
a) NOTHING—It is none of your business anyway. This is a family matter and up to the parents to decide what is best for their children.
b) Stop buying from these farmers unless they stop making their children work. This could jeopardize your reputation.
c) Accept that it is necessary for the children to work, but strike a deal with these families in order to limit the time (by contract) that the children work. This way they will have more time for school/homework.
d) Increase the amount you pay these farmers for their produce, on condition they do not allow their children to work anymore. Pass the extra cost on to your customers.
This must be posted on Moodle THE NIGHT BEFORE you come to class at 6:00 pm.
Go to the next page to present your answers.
Homework Document Activity 3
Team name = __________________________
Post your work using this team name!!!
Team members :
Use the space necessary to answer the following questions :
1° First of all, each team member should choose individually one of the above solutions OR create a personal solution to this problem AND write it here. JUSTIFY YOUR PERSONAL SOLUTION.
a)Name =
a)Solution =
a)Justification =
b)Name =
b)Solution =
b)Justification =
c)Name =
c)Solution =
c)Justification =
d)Name =
d)Solution =
d)Justification =
e)Name =
e)Solution =
e)Justification =
f)Name =
f)Solution =
f)Justification =
2° NOW, brainstorm with your group, make a decision and JUSTIFY your solution.
Group Decision =
Group Justification =
3° What ethical category does your solution fit into (I’m talking about the 8 we examined in class). Justify this answer so that I can tell you understand what this category means.